Professor - Digital Systems Lab
Hyunchul Shin
Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Hanyang University
- Phone : +082 - 031 - 400 - 5176
- E-mail :
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- Office : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hanyang University, 1271 Sa-3 dong ,Sangnok-gu, Ansan, Kyeonggi-do, 425-791, Korea
- Ph.D.(1987) Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS), U.C. Berkeley, CA, USA
- M.S. (1980) Electrical Engineering, KAIST, KOREA
- B.S (1978) Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University, KOREA
- 1989 ~ present : Professor, Hanyang University
- 2014 ~ present : Dirctor, IDEC Campus
- 2014 ~ 2017: Chief, Creative Korea II
- 2011 ~ 2013: Director, IPC
- 2008 ~ 2009 : Director, ITRC
- 2008 ~ 2009 : Vice President, Institute of Electronics and Information Eng.
- 2008 ~ 2009 : Chairman, Semiconductor Society
- 2011: Program Chair, ASP-DAC
- 2007: General Chair, ISOCC
- 1989 ~ present : IEEE Senior member
- 1997 ~ 2008 : Director, IDEC at Hanyang University
- 1987 ~ 1989 : MTS, AT&T Bell Lab’s, Murray Hill, N.J., U.S.A
- 1985 ~ 1987 : Researcher, ERL, U.C. Berkeley, U.S.A
- 1980 ~ 1983 : Full time lecturer, professor, Kumoh University
- 2000: Founded a startup in CAD (Warhol Design Systems) in Saratoga, CA, U.S.A.
Short Term Visiting Research
- (1/1993~2/1993) Japan NEC Cerntral Rsearch Center
- (12/1994~2/1995) USA IBM T.J.Watson Research Center Yorktwon Heights
Technical Advisor (Experience)
- Sequence (U.S.A.) 기술자문위원(Technical Adviser)
- Atrenta (U.S.A.) 기술자문위원(Technical Adviser)
- Samsung Electronics Co.(한국) 기술자문위원(Technical Adviser)
Research Interest
- SoC Design
- SoC Design (MPEG, H.264 Design)
- VLSI Design Automation
- Low Power Design Techniques - Image/Vision System Design
- Image Processing & Computer Vision
- Vehicle/Pedestrian/Gesture Recognition
- High Dynamic Range, Noise Reduction