Papers - Digital Systems Lab
Publication (Selected papers among 180 papers)
Yawar Rehman, Jameel Ahmed Khan, Hyunchul Shin
"Efficient coarser-to-fine holistic traffic sign detection for occlusion handling"
IET Image Processing (Print ISSN 1751-9659 Online ISSN 1751-9667, Available online : 29 August 2018)
Yunfan Chen, Han Xie, Hyunchul Shin
"Multi-layer fusion techniques using a CNN for multispectral pedestrian detection"
IET Computer Vision (Print ISSN 1751-9632, Online ISSN 1751-9640, Available online : 26 July 2018)
Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin
“Robust Hypothesis Generation Method Using Binary Blob Analysis for Multi-Lane Detection”
IET Image Processing ( Volume: 11, Issue: 12, 12 2017 ), pp. 1210-1218, Dec 2017
Yu Wang , Hyunchul Shin
“Effective Regularity Extraction and Placement Techniques for Datapath-Intensive Circuits”
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol.11, pp.512-519 05 May 2017
Naeem Maroof, Muhammad Sohail, Hyunchul Shin
“Charge-sharing read port with bitline pre-charging and sensing scheme for low-power SRAMs”
Journal: International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol.45, pp.1231-1248,16-November 2016
Yawar Rehman, Irfan Riaz, Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin
“D-patches: effective traffic sign detection with occlusion handling”
IET Computer Vision, vol.11 ,pp.368-377 , 20/01/2017
Xue Fan, Irfan Riaz, Yawar Rehman, Hyunchul Shin,
"Vanishing Point Detection Using Random Forest and Patch-wise Weighted Soft Voting",
IET Image Processing, vol. 10, No.11, pp.900-907, November 2016
Irfan Riaz, Teng Yu, Yawar Rehman, Hyunchul Shin,
"Single Image Dehazing via Reliability Guided Fusion",
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,
vol. 40, pp.85-97, October 2016
Irfan Riaz, Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin,
"Single Image Dehazing with Bright Object Handling",
IET Computer Vision, vol. 10, No.8, pp.817-827, 12 2016
Naeem Maroof, Muhammad Sohail, Hyunchul Shin,
"Charge Sharing Based 10T SRAM for Low-power",
IEICE Electronics Express, 2016.
vol. 13, No.5, pp.1-6, March 2016
Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin,
"Road Vanishing Point Detection Using Weber Adaptive Local Filter and Salient-Block- Wise Weighted Soft Voting", IET Computer Vision,
vol. 10, No.6, pp.503-512, September 2016
Naeem Maroof, Muhammad Sohail, Hyunchul Shin,
"An Energy Efficient Sub-threshold to Above-threshold Level Shifter using a modified wilson cur
rent mirror", International Journal of Electronics, Published-Online (2015)
vol. 103, No.7, pp.1216-1227, July 2016
Naeem Maroof, Muhammad Sohail, Hyunchul Shin,
"Energy Efficient Low Static-Power Voltage Level Shifter",
IEICE Electronics Express,
vol. 12, No.18, pp.633-633, September 2015
Yawar Rehman, Irfan Riaz, Xue Fan, Jingchun Piao, Jameel Ahmed and Hyunchul Shin,
"Pedestrian Detection with Cascaded Part Model for Occlusion Handling",
International Journal on Advanced in Intelligent Systems, IARIA
pp.426-436, March 2015
Teng Yu, Irfan Riaz, Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin,
"Real-Time Single Image Dehazing Using Block-to-Pixel Interpolation and Adaptive
Dark Channel Prior," IET Image Processing,
Vol. 9, No. 9, pp.725-734, June 2015
Teng Yu, Hyunchul Shin,
"Detecting Partially Occluded Vehicles with Geometric and Likelihood Reasoning",
IET Computer Vision,
Vol. 9, pp.174-183, April 2015
Sungchul Lee, Hyunchul Shin
“Efficient and Low-Cost Metal Revision Techniques for Post Silicon Repair”
Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.322-330, June 2015
Sungchul Lee, Naeem Maroof, Jinman Kang, Hyunchul Shin
"Hybrid System Level Power Modeling and Estimation of Embedded Processors,"
Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology, Journal of Selected
Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM), February Edition, Volume 4, Issue 2, Feb 2014
Xue Fan, Jingchun Piao, Teng Yu, Hyunchul Shin,
"Vehicle Detection Method Based on Edge Information and Local Transform Histogram,"
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT),
vol. 5, pp.147-154, November 2013
Xue Fan, Shubham Mittal, Twisha Prasad, Suraj Saurabh, Hyunchul Shin,
"Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Using Deformable Part Models and Kalman Filtering,"
Journal of Communication and Computer,
vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 960-966, July 2013
Irfan Riaz, Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin,
"Human Detection by using Centrist Features for Thermal Images,"
IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems,
vol. 8, pp. 1-11 2013
Teng Yu, Yasir Ismail, Bilal Saeed, Hyunchul Shin,
"Rendering high dynamic range images by using integrated global and local processing,"
Opt. vol. 50, No. 11, pp.117002-1~117002-11, October 2011
Donghoon Yeo, Hyunchul Shin, Yeo Dong-Hoon, Shin Hyun-Chul
"High Throughput Parallel Decoding Method for H.264/AVC CAVLC"
ETRI Journal
vol. 31 no. 5, pp.510-517, October 2009
Jeongae Park, Misun Yoon, Hyunchul Shin,
“Efficient Motion Estimation for H.264 Codec by Using Effective Scan Ordering,”
IEICE Trans. Communications, pp. 1839-1843 July 2007
Hyunchul Shin, Changhee Lee,
“Operation Mode Based High-Level Switching Activity Analysis for Power Estimation of
Digital Circuits,"
IEICE Trans. Communications, pp. 1826-1834 July 2007
Jinchoul Lee, Hyunchul Shin,
"New Effective ROM Compression Methods for ROM-based Direct Digital Frequency
Synthesizer Design,"
IEICE Trans. Communications, pp.3352-3355 November. 2004
Kwan-Ki Ryoo, Hyunchul Shin, Jong-Wha Chong,
"A New Clock Routing Algorithm using Link-Edge Insertion
for High Performance IC Design",
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Jun. 2000, pp.1115~1122
W. Kim, H. Shin,
"Hierarchy Restructuring for Hierarchical LVS Comparison",
VLSI Design : International Journal of Custom-Chip Design, Simulation, and Testing,
Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 117-126, 1999
S. Kwon, H. Shin,
"An Area-Efficient VLSI Architecture of A Reed-Solomon
Decoder/Encoder for Digital VCRs",
IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics,
Vol. 43, No 4, pp. 1019-1027, November. 1997
H. Shin, S. Kwon, S. Park, J. Kim, S. Hong, S. Ro, Y. Lim,
"Embedded Pilot Tracking Tone Generation for Digital VCRs,",
IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics,
Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 592-598, August. 1996
C. Kim and H. Shin,
"A Performance-Driven Logic Emulation System:
FPGA Network Design and Performance-Driven Partitioning",
IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS,
Vol. 15, No 5, pp. 560-568, May 1996
H. Shin and C. Kim,
"Performance-Oriented Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGAs,"
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems,
Vol.3, No.2, pp.323-327, Jun. 1995
H. Shin and C. Kim,
"A Simple Yet Effective Technique for Partitioning,"
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems,
Vol. 1, No.3, pp.380-386, September. 1993
C. Kim, W. Kim, H. Shin, K. Rhee, H. Chung and J. Kim,
"Combined Hierarchical Placement algorithm for Row-Based Layouts,"
IEEE Electronics Letters,
vol. 29, No.17, pp.1508-1510, August. 1993
H. Shin, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, C. H. Sequin,
"‘Zone-Refining’ Techniques for IC Layout Compaction,"
IEEE Transactions on CAD of IC&S,
pp.167-179, February. 1990
H. Shin, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli,
"A Detailed Router Based on Incremental Routing Modifications : Mighty,"
IEEE Transactions on CAD of IC&S,
vol.CAD-6, No.6, pp.942-955, November. 1987
Cheng Deng, Han, Xie, Yunfan Chan, Hyunchul Shin
“Road Detection by PDF-Based Classification
Xue Fan, Cheng Deng, Yawar Rehman, and Hyunchul Shin,
"Fast Road Vanishing Point Detection Based on Modified Adaptive Soft Voting,"
The Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications,
March 22-27, 2015 Nice, France
Yawar Rehman, Irfan Riaz, Fan Xue, Jingchun Piao, Jameel Ahmed Khan, Hyunchul Shin,
“Pedestrian Detection with Occlusion Handling,"
The Seventh International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications,
March 22-27, 2015 Nice, France
Teng Yu, Jingchun Piao, Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin,
"Enhancement of hough voting by using appearance similarity for object detectin,“
Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS),
pp.1,4, 7-9 July 2014
Xue Fan, Teng Yu, Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin,
"Discriminative Leaf based Hough Forest for Vehicle Detection,"
Computer, International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Systems
(CITS), 2014
Naeem Maroof, Sungchul Lee, Jinman Kang, Hyunchul Shin,
“Effective Processor Power Modeling for System Level Power Estimation”,
2014 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE2014),
21st to 23rd April 2014, Antalya, Turkey
Aayush Ankit, Irfan Riaz, Hyunchul Shin,
“A Cascade Framework for Unoccluded and Occluded”,
TechSym 2014 (Students' Technology Symposium 2014),
28th February to 2nd March 2014, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Yu Wang, Donghoon Yeo, Sohail Muhammad, Hyunchul Shin,
"Control Signal Aware Slice-Level Window Based Legalization Method for FPGA Placement,"
FPGA 2014, 22nd ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,
26 to 28 February, 2014, Monterey, California
Yu Wang, Hyunchul Shin,
"An effective window based legalization algorithm for FPGA placement,"
2013 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig),
09 to 11 Dec 2013, IBEROSTAR Cancún Hotel Boulevard Kukulcan km. 17 Cancun, Mexico
Teng Yu, Xue Fan, Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin,
"Object Detection with Weighted Voting Hough Forest,"
International Conference on Advances in Information Technology (ICAIT),
24th to 25th August 2013, Singapore
Xue Fan, Teng Yu, Jingchun Piao, Irfan Riaz, Hyunchul Shin,
"Vehicle Detection Using Coarse-to-Fine Method and Edge based Local Transform Histogram" In proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Convergence
Technology, 14 to 16 Oct 2013. Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
Irfan Riaz, Jingchun Piao, Hyunchul Shin,
"Human Detection by using Centrist Features for Thermal Images,"
In IADIS International conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and
Image Processing, 22nd to 24th July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Teng Yu, Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin,
"An Efficient Pedestrian Detection Method by Using Coarse-to-Fine Detection and Color
Histogram Similarity", Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology 6th International
Conference, ICHIT 2012, pp. 357-364, Aug. 2012, Daejeon, South Korea
Iksoon Lim, Donghoon Yeo, Wang Yu, Hyounseok Song, Hyunchul Shin,
"Optimal Flip-Chip Floorplanning with Area IO",
Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), 2012 7th International Conference,
pp. 1335-1338, Dec 2012, Seoul, South Korea
Iksoon Lim, Hyounseok Song, Hyunchul Shin,
"Integrated Circuit Floorplanning by Using an Analytical Algorithm",
Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), 2012 7th International Conference,
pp. 404-411, Dec 2012, Seoul, South Korea
Iksoon Lim, Donghoon Yeo, Wang Yu, Hyunchul Shin,
"FPGA Placement by Using Combined Analytical and Simulated Annealing Methods",
Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT), 2012 7th International Conference,
pp.1339-1342, Dec 2012, Seoul, South Korea
Shubham Mittal, Twisha Prasad, Suraj Saurabh, Xue Fan, Hyunchul Shin,
"Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Using Deformable Part Models and Kalman Filtering"
SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2012 International, pp. 324-327, Nov 2012,
Jeju, South Korea